Contact us

If you are in need of urgent help please call 999.

Please note, The Vavengers do not offer emergency services. Visit our services page to explore what support we can offer or find emergency support on the right.


  • Domestic violence:

    24hr helpline: 0808 2000 247

    Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting:

    If a woman (over 18) is at risk:

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office
    Telephone: 020 7008 1500

    If a child (under 18) is at risk:

    FGM Helpline (NSPCC)
    Emergency helpline: 0800 028 3550

    Mental health:

    24hr helpline: 116123

    Trafficking or modern slavery:

    Modern Slavery Helpline
    Helpline: 0800 012 1700

  • The Vavengers
    3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street
    EC2A 4NE

See us in-person

London Pop-up Support Hubs

Join us at one of our support hubs. These are safe spaces for all women and girls, registration is encouraged but not compulsory.

The hub includes:

  • Survivor story from a community ambassador with a question and answer and open discussion space

  • Health workshop cover topics including sexual, mental and physical health

  • Wellness session with a practitioner including: breathwork, movement and sound meditation

  • Essential items to take away with you (food, nappies, period products)

  • A personalised referral service with our team to suit your needs

Upcoming Hubs

  • Brady Arts & Community Centre

    Sunday 24th March: Reserve a spot here

  • Location TBC

    Sunday 28th April 2024: Reserve a spot here

Alarmingly, demand for our services is increasing. If you would like to talk to us about Hub partnerships, funding a Hub or launching a Hub outside of London together, get in touch with our team at